January 27
09:00AM (ET)
Welcome to SolidusConf! We'll go over how the conference will work, sponsors, code of conduct, and a few more pieces of important information.
09:15AM (ET)
Solidus might be the most flexible eCommerce platform available, but just because you can customize an aspect of it, doesn’t mean you should. I’ll break down some of the common mistakes I’ve seen teams make, how to avoid them, as well as some tips for how to make the most of the platform.
10:00AM (ET)
10:15AM (ET)
Solidus has a new frontend solution! It’s modern! It’s shiny! And best of all, we can continue to keep it that way! We’ll share the lessons we’ve learned with the old Solidus Frontend gem, and how we’ve applied those lessons to revamp the gem into the new Solidus Starter Frontend. Let’s get started!
11:00AM (ET)
11:15AM (ET)
With the never-ending rise of frontend frameworks, how does Solidus stay relevant? As we rebuild our UIs with the latest and greatest, is it possible to distribute the work and share the rewards? Let’s explore UI toolkits and see how we can make Solidus better for both users and engineers alike.
12:00PM (ET)
1:00PM (ET)
How can we be better at software by studying jazz improvisation? What do Symphonies have to do with software project management? One of the best ways to get insights about one’s own craft is to compare it to a seemingly unrelated discipline. Let’s dig in to the art of our software craft.
2:30PM (ET)
2:45PM (ET)
The Solidus event system allows developers to publish and consume events from anywhere in their codebase. I will show how you can leverage the event system to decouple side effects from the core Solidus logic in order to build more maintainable applications.
3:30PM (ET)
Day one is over, come relax in the after-hours lounge and share a few drinks.
January 28
09:00AM (ET)
It's part talks, part stakeholder meeting, part Hack Day, and most of all lots of fun! We're going to have a few talks in the morning, hold a public Solidus Stakeholder meeting, work on core Solidus and Solidus extensions, discussing the future of the platform, play games, see old friends, and make new ones.
09:05AM (ET)
Have you ever found yourself needing your software of choice to do something else? Have you ended up invoking some dark sorcery, getting your hands dirty while you rummage through “lower abstractions”? Seek no further! With Solidus’ new Event Bus, that becomes part of the expected behavior.
09:50AM (ET)
10:05AM (ET)
Work moves online a bit more each year. Make a bigger impact by borrowing techniques from theater, Twitch streamers, television, and radio. Grab your clients’ attention with a demo that’s uniquely you. Find your voice, lead with your most interesting results, and always have a backup plan.
10:50AM (ET)
11:05AM (ET)
Curious about how Solidus is run? Come attend one of our weekly meetings!
11:50AM (ET)
Been working on something cool? Have some interesting insight? We want to hear from you! -- It's also lunch time! Yay!
1:00PM (ET)
Join us for the official start of Solidus Field Day. It's a hack day + games + fun. It's a chance to socialize with other members of the community and talk shop. It'a an opportunity to build something cool with someone you've never worked with before, or to get advise from the open source maintainer of your favorite community gem. It's whatever you make it to be. Just have fun.
2:30PM (ET)
2:45PM (ET)
Eugene, an expert video gamer, will help the community organize an amazing tournament, building teams and breaking ice.
4:30PM (ET)
The end of the conference is beginning to draw near...but good news! It's Friday! The weekend is here. - Kick back and relax in the after-hours lounge, share a few drinks, and as the night unfolds hear the REAL war-stories about working with Soldius.
6:00PM (ET)